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The Things I've Learned Before Turning 30!

As August is my birthday month and I'm turning the BIG 3-0, I've decided to reflect a little and list some of the things that I have learned before turning 30.

So here goes:

1. Take that Leap of Faith

Most of us are to scared to make drastic changes in our life, because we are to scared of what the outcome will be. The typical fear of the unknown. But sometimes that leap of faith can change your life in ways that you NEVER imagined. So go on, TAKE THAT LEAP!

2. Your Mother is ALWAYS right

Being younger I would almost always roll my eyes at my Mom whenever she gave me advice on things that was happening in my life. Looking back, I can truly say that whatever matter she advised me on, turned out exactly the way that she predicted. Call it the SUPERMOM sense, or whatever you wish, but MOTHER KNOWS BEST!

3. Having kids WILL change your life

When I was pregnant, most people told me to not allow my son to change our life. We should just have him slot into our existing life. Well, here is the reality. Your life WILL change. It is actually obvious that it will, I mean you now have to take care of another person. Not only that, but you will lose friends. People don't understand the fact that you don't want to go out clubbing or sit around the braai in the middle of the winter until the wee hours of the morning. Your whole perspective on life changes the moment that little person gives his first cry. Having kids CHANGES YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER!

4. You will lose some good friends in your life

Friendships are like the waves of the ocean. People grow up and grow apart, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BEAT YOURSELF UP ABOUT IT. It will just give you an opportunity to meet new people who can enrich your life in a different way.

5. The little things in life matter the most

When I was young and staring to stand on my own feet, I used to worry about things that, looking back, seem utterly unimportant. As I grew older,I have realised that the small things in life actually MAKES LIFE WORTH WHILE.

6. Opinions don't matter

While in school everyone focuses on what the cool kids think and how you get in with them. Most adults still worry about the opinions of others. Be it what society thinks is the ideal body, what the best car is to drive or how much you should be earning in order to qualify as being successful. Well, opinions don't matter. I have learned to love the person that I am, and I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER!

7. No Regret

I have made quite a few mistakes in my life, as we all do, but I do not regret a single thing. I would not be the person that I am today if I haven't made the mistakes that I have. Mistakes make you GROW, it TEACHES you things and it changes the WAY YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE.

8. Quit that job

How many people wake up every morning and dread going to work? I was in that exact same boat. Being unhappy at work is like a disease that spreads poison to other parts of your life. It starts to affect your family life, your health and your relationships. Quitting my first job was one of the scariest things I have done, but I have not looked back once. We all get stuck and give our all and never get the appreciation that we deserve. Maybe it is time to take a stand, for your own well being and QUIT THAT JOB.

9. This too shall pass

This has to be one of my favorite quotes. Life is filled with seasons, some good and some bad. But winter does not last forever. The bad will eventually end and you will look back and think: "How did I do that??", but you did and you SURVIVED!

10. Don't Judge

We, as humans are sometimes very quick to judge people. We sometimes judge that book by it's cover, without getting to know who that person truly is. I have learned not to judge. And I have also learned that the grass isn't greener on the other side. People might seem happy, but inside they are dying little by little. Maybe if we stop judging and rather give someone a smile than en evil eye, the world will change for the better, little by little.

Lots of love

Sassy Mommy



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